Thursday, June 24, 2010

Smells Fishy

"Ai" - love in Ja-panese.

New mural in Christie Pits located just around the corner from last years production. Thanks to everyone who came out to support. Turned out to be great weekend!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Monday, June 21, 2010

"No Beef with Cows" Mural

Rural graff.

From l to r, Danilo, Ja, Celo

Elbow and Vapor. Koltron and Amber on the other side of the Silo.

Have a cow.

UTR artists were commissioned by Montforte Dairy to paint a massive mural on the outside of their facility in Stratford Ontario.

Twenty youth and artists from the LOFT and UTR made the trip out to Stratford to bless the walls of Monforte, all made possible by the generous support of Ruth Klahsen.

Thursday, June 17, 2010



Custom order designed by Javier Duenas just in time for Mexico's victory over France.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Stay Gold

Spur of the moment paint job at the Christie Ossington Neighbourhood Centre. Finally found a reason to take that can of gold out the milk crate.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Rakim Piece live at the Harbourfront Centre

Javid and Logan "Celo" Miller spray paint a piece of Hip-Hop legend Rakim at the Harbourfront Centre in Toronto. Under the Radar!Radar!Radar!Radar!Under the Radar!Radar!Radar!Radar!!!!!

!!!Know the Ledge!!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


UTR is going rural. The crew at UTR with special guests Mozy of UNC and Danilo will be painting a mural this weekend in Stratford at the MonteForte Diary. Surprisingly enough big fans of everything graffiti. Look out for the finished production.

Artist Line-Up:

Mozy (UNC) -
Danilo -
Javid -
Logan "CELO" Miller - ,

Friday, June 4, 2010

UTR hosts Graffiti Festival at Central Tech

Yesterday the UTR team, working with LOFT Music and Central Tech High school, hosted a graffiti fest for emerging writers in Toronto.

UTR family Jessika and Mayhem Morearty...

Over 300 youth reached the event, including local media and writers, with Vapor taking the viewer's choice award.

Vapourzing the competition...


For the full gallery of the event, click here.